First HOW test batch

Run through: 3.05 – 7.07.2019
Total batch weight: unknown;
Bokashi fermentation proportions: unknown.

Batch B.0.0. was split from the beginning into 4 jars: B.0.01, B.0.02, B.0.03, and B.0.04; each with a different HOW treatment.

On 5.06.2019, when all the jars were open, jars B.0.01, B.0.02 and B.0.03 were thrown away, as they showed strong signs of a failed fermentation process. Only B.0.04 was kept and further experimented with.
All 4 jars (left to right): B.0.01, B.0.02, B.0.03 & B.0.04

Air-tight jar with no draining system

Total weight: unknown.
HOW was chopped into small blocks with a knife (average 2 – 4 cm); aerobic fermentation.

The hypothesis was: the smaller the chunks of organic matter, the faster the fermentation process. This hypothesis was confirmed.

B.0.01 contained large and small seeds. Fermentation did not affect these in any way. A decision was taken not to use any large seeds in the future experiments because they stayed intact.

Jar B.0.01 was open after 1 month and thrown away on 5.06.2019. It turned out that the lack of a draining system to constantly separate the liquid forming in the process has led to HOW's putrefaction.

Air-tight jar with no draining system

Total weight: unknown.

HOW was minced in a blender; anaerobic fermentation.

The hypothesis was: the smaller the chunks of organic matter, the faster the fermentation process. This hypothesis was confirmed.

B.0.02 contained a large amount of red beets. We wanted to see if the colour preserves over time, during the fermentation process. It did not.

Jar B.0.02 was opened after one month and thrown away on 5.06.2019. It turned out that the lack of a drainage system to constantly separate the liquid forming in the process has led to HOW's putrefaction.

Air-tight jar with no draining system

Total weight: unknown.

HOW was chopped into small blocks with a knife (average 2 – 4 cm); aerobic fermentation.

The hypothesis was: the smaller the chunks of organic matter, the faster the fermentation process. This hypothesis was confirmed.

B.0.03 contained no seeds and it was made as a pair for jar B.0.01 to be able to compare the evolution of seeds during fermentation.

Jar B.0.03 was open after one month and thrown away on 5.06.2019. It turned out that the lack of a draining system to constantly separate the liquid forming in the process has led to HOW's putrefaction.

Air-tight jar with no draining system

Total weight: unknown.

HOW was minced in a blender; aerobic fermentation.
The hypothesis was: the smaller the chunks of organic matter, the faster the fermentation process. This hypothesis was confirmed.

To be able to assess the evolution of colours during HOW fermentation, jar B.0.04 was compared with jar B.0.02 (contained red beets). B.0.04 contained no red beets. Both jars looked the same after 1 month. Colour of organic matter doesn't preserve during fermentation.

Experiment 7. 06. 2019: 1st attempt at a HOW material

6 small Petri dishes were prepared:
10g ganoderma mycelium spawn + 100g of HOW from jar B.0.04

10th day of the experiment
After 10 days at 25 – 30 degrees Celsius the samples showed no change and were disposed of.
We had reasons to believe that the mycelium – HOW (1:10) proportions were not good.

Experiment 11. 06. 2019: 2nd attempt at a HOW material

7 small Petri dishes were prepared, in total:
50g ganoderma mycelium spawn + 50g HOW from jar B.0.04.

Additionally, a single small control Petri dish was prepared with only mycelium spawn.

5th day into the experiment
Within 5 days neither of the samples shown any change, including the control dish. We had reasons to believe that the small Petri dishes (approx. 5cm diameter) are too small in surface for the mycelium to form.

Experiment 19. 06. 2019: 1st successful attempt at a HOW material

HOW & control samples. Day 01
2 medium Petri dishes (diameter 8 cm) were prepared:
(a) 1:1 proportion ganoderma mycelium spawn + dry HOW from jar B.0.04, total weight unknown;
(b) control dish: only mycelium spawn.

Day 06
By 5. 07. 2019 both dishes developed well. Our previous hypothesis confirmed:
the minimum surface for mycelium to grow must be larger than 5cm diameter.
The ideal proportion mycelium – HOW is 1:1.

Both dishes were incubated at 65 degrees Celsius to deactivate and dry until 7. 07. 2019.
Dried samples. Day 19